Seminars for 2016 including Treasury, RBNZ and universities

A list of seminars at each institution can be found on the pages below.

December 2015 AI (#54) includes interviews with Creedy and Proctor

Asymmetric Infomation Issue 54


  • Editorial
  • An Interview with John Creedy (by Norman Gemmell)
  • The ‘Five Minute Interview’ (Roger Proctor)
  • NZIER Economics Award 2015
  • Blogwatch (by Paul Walker)
  • (Motu) Performance Evaluation of Research Programmes: The Marsden Fund (by Adam Jaffe)
  • (Motu) Cyclical changes in Workforce Skill and Firm Productivity Measures (by David Maré, Dean Hyslop and Richard Fabling)
  • (Stats New Zealand) Development of New Balance Sheets and Financial Flow Accounts (by Lindsay Beck)
  • NEW MEMBERS (Calendar year 2015 to date)
  • Report from GEN
  • Research in Progress (University of Waikato)

Brian Easton to present NIDEA Seminar in Hamilton 27-Mar-2014

The Long Term Prospects for Health Spending

Dr Brian Easton, Economic and Social Trust on New Zealand

ABSTRACT: Last year the Treasury released its long term fiscal projections which look up to 40 years out. Although initially the big concern was demographic change and New Zealand superannuation, it soon became clear that a major issue was public sector health spending. Brian, who was on the group advising the Treasury on the projections, will explain the population and health projections and outline what they might mean for public policy. The projections are at

BIO: Dr Brian Easton has had a long involvement in health economics and in economic forecasting (and has made occasional forays into demographic analysis). He is currently writing a history of New Zealand from an economic perspective .which includes an account of the history of the health system and which is heavily dependent on the analysis of population change (especially where the economic data are deficient). Brian is Research Associate of the National Institute for Demographic and Economic Analysis and an Honorary Fellow of the Wellington School of Medicine of the University of Otago. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, a Chartered Statistician, and a Member of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and a Distinguished Fellow of the New Zealand Economic Association.

When: Thursday 27th March 2014, 1.10. – 2.00 pm

Where: I.1.05 For more information please contact Professor Jacques Poot (

Seminar website

Frank Scrimgeour elected NZAE Life Member

Frank ScrimgeourIt is with great pleasure the Association honours Frank Scrimgeour with the award of Life Membership of the New Zealand Association of Economists.

From his farming origins in Golden Bay, Frank commenced his academic career at Lincoln University where he gained First Class Honours and was awarded the Sir Malcolm Burns Prize for outstanding student contributions to Lincoln College. This dedication to wider communities was to become a hallmark of Frank’s subsequent career. He went on to complete a PhD at the University of Hawaii. Many may not know he also holds a Bachelor of Divinity from the Melbourne College of Divinity.

His professional career began at the Meat and Wool Boards’ Economic Service, but this was soon followed by over five years in development work with the Christian Leaders’ Training College in Mt Hagen, Papua New Guinea.

Frank has spent more than two decades at the University of Waikato, first as an active member of the Economics Department, then Chair of several departments and finally as current Dean of the Waikato Management School. In addition to a heavy administrative load, he has maintained his highly productive career as an economist publishing widely in international journals and generating an extensive number of research papers, conference proceedings and consulting reports.

In making this award we wish to honour Frank for his service to the profession, the academic community, the wider New Zealand community and the Association, in particular. His contribution to all of these groups has been outstanding.

Notably Frank has

  1. Provided numerous acts of high quality service to the Association. He has frequently refereed journal articles of New Zealand Economic Papers, and he has undertaken many functions on behalf of the Association.
  2. Played a major role in the leadership of the Association serving as a Councillor (1998-2005), Editor (1998-2001), Vice President (2005-2007) and President (2007-2009). In addition he served as President of the New Zealand Agricultural Economics Society (1993-94 and 2004-05) and as a Councillor of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (1992 and 2003-05).
  3. Chaired the largest economics gathering ever held in New Zealand – the 2008 NZAE/ESAM Conference in honour of AW Phillips.
  4. Contributed to the broader community through his church, and as a member of the Trust Board of World Vision.

In all these endeavours he has shown genuine human understanding, concern for the
wellbeing of others, always tempered with a quiet sense of humility.

The Association honours Frank for his broad economic citizenship and has pleasure in
awarding him Life Membership of the Association.

Welcome to the NZAE blog


The intention of this blog is to highlight economists’ work and provide material to support education and general understanding, especially as it relates to economics in New Zealand. It is not a forum for advocacy (other than better use of economics). Posts are categorised as Events, Insights or NZAE News (includes subcategories). Posts are also tagged with the JEL Classification and/or as considered appropriate (see list below). Authors are generally Councillors of the NZAE. Anyone can provide comments. Any views expressed are not necessarily those of the NZAE.