The contents of New Zealand Economic Papers, Volume 51, Issue 1, 2017 (available online or by subscription):
- Commodity trade between the US and Korea and the J-curve effect by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Jia Xu & Sujata Saha
- Estimating the willingness to pay for Warmer and Drier Homes by John Gibson, Riccardo Scarpa & Halahingano Rohorua
- Educational mismatches and earnings in the New Zealand labour market by Jian Z. Yeo & Sholeh A. Maani
- Stability of an exponential distribution for New Zealand taxable personal income by R. John Irwin & Timothy C. Irwin
- Labour supply in New Zealand and the 2010 tax and transfer changes by John Creedy & Penny Mok
- The source of wealth by Elizabeth Webster
- A note on inequality-preserving distributional changes by John Creedy