See dedicated conference website for more detail released nearer to the event.
Title: 61st NZAE Conference 2020
Location: Rutherford House, Victoria University of Wellington
Description: Annual 3-day NZAE Conference
Start Date: Tues June 30, 2020
Start Time: 08:00
End Date: Thur July 2, 2020
End Time: 13:30
2020 Conference important dates:
- Thursday 20th February First notice of conference sent out
- Thursday 20th February Portal for abstract submissions opens
- Monday 23rd March Final notice of conference sent out
- Thursday 26th March Conference registration opens
- Thursday 2nd April Abstracts Due
- By Wednesday 22nd April Notification of acceptances
- Wednesday 13th May Registration deadline for presenters
- Wednesday 13th May Deadline for early-bird registration
- Wednesday 10th June Full papers due for entries to prizes
- Tuesday 30th June Conference start
- Thursday 2nd July Conference end
PhD Workshop: Tuesday, 29th June; venue TBD
2020 Conference keynotes:
- John Creedy (Prof. VUW)
- Warwick McKibbin (Chair Public Policy and Director Centre for Applied Macroeconomics Analysis, Australian National University)
- Andrew Clark (Prof. Paris School of Economics)
- Marjan van den Belt (Terra Moana Ltd)