NZAE Conference 2025: Key dates

The 65th New Zealand Association of Economists Annual Conference will be held at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington on 25-27 June 2025.

Key dates:

  • March 26 – Conference registration opens
  • April 2 – Abstracts due
  • By April 21 – Notification of acceptances
  • May 14 – Registration deadline for presenters
  • May 14 – Deadline for early-bird registration
  • May 30 – Full papers due for entries to prizes
  • June 25-27 – Conference

Please see here for more information and key contact persons.

NZAE Conference 2025: First call for papers

The New Zealand Association of Economists is pleased to announce the First Call for Papers for its 65th Annual Conference.

Please submit an abstract of not more than 250 words of your paper for either an oral presentation or the poster session. Full papers are not required at this stage, but for a paper to be considered eligible for the Statistics New Zealand, New Zealand Economic Policy, Seamus Hogan or Stata prizes, a full paper must be submitted by Friday 30th May.

Abstracts can be submitted here.

You are welcome to submit up to three papers. If we are only able to accept one of the submissions, we will contact you to ask which paper you prefer to present. This limit applies to the number of papers presented by any one person, and not to the number of papers on which they are a co-author.

Please see the 2025 First Call for Papers notice for more information and key dates. 

Please address all conference enquiries to:

John Saunders
NZAE Conference Committee 

Shelley Haring
Conference Co-Ordinator

NZAE Conference 2024: First call for papers

The New Zealand Association of Economists is pleased to announce the First Call for Papers for its 64th Annual Conference.

Please submit an abstract of not more than 250 words of your paper for either an oral presentation or the poster session. Full papers are not required at this stage, but for a paper to be considered eligible for the Statistics New Zealand, New Zealand Economic Policy, Seamus Hogan, David Teece or Stata prizes, a full paper must be
submitted by Monday 10th June.

Abstracts can be submitted here.

You are welcome to submit up to three papers. If we are only able to accept one of the submissions, we will contact you to ask which paper you prefer to present. This limit applies to the number of papers presented by any one person, and not to the number of papers on which they are a co-author.

Please see the 2024 First Call for Papers notice for more information and key dates. 

Please address all conference enquiries to:

John Saunders
NZAE Conference Committee 

Shelley Haring
Conference Co-Ordinator

NZAE Conference 2024: Key dates

The 64th New Zealand Association of Economists Annual Conference will be held at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington on 3-5 July 2024.

Key dates:

  • February 28 – Abstract portal opens
  • March 12 – Second call for papers
  • March 27 – Final notice of conference sent
  • April 3 – Conference registration opens
  • April 10 – Abstracts due
  • By May 1 – Notification of acceptances
  • May 22 – Registration deadline for presenters
  • May 22 – Deadline for early-bird registration
  • June 10 – Full papers due (entries for SNZ, NZEP, SH, DT, B, Stata, prizes)
  • July 3-5 – Conference

Please see here for more information and key contact persons.

NZAE Conference 2023: First call for papers

The New Zealand Association of Economists is pleased to announce the First Call for Papers for its 63rd Annual Conference.

Please submit an abstract of not more than 250 words of your paper for either an oral presentation or the poster session. Full papers are not required at this stage, but for a paper to be considered eligible for the Statistics New Zealand, New Zealand Economic Policy, Seamus Hogan, David Teece, Bergstorm or Stata prizes, a full paper must be
submitted by Tuesday 6th June.

Abstracts can be submitted here.

You are welcome to submit up to three papers. If we are only able to accept one of the submissions, we will contact you to ask which paper you prefer to present. This limit applies to the number of papers presented by any one person, and not to the number of papers on which they are a co-author.

Please see the 2023 First Call for Papers notice for more information and key dates. 

Please address all conference enquiries to:

John Saunders
NZAE Conference Committee 

Shelley Haring
Conference Co-Ordinator

NZAE Conference 2023: Key dates

The 63rd New Zealand Association of Economists Annual Conference will be held at Auckland University of Technology on 28 June – 30 June 2023.

Key dates:

  • February 24 – Abstract portal opens
  • March 27 – Conference registration opens
  • April 3 – Abstracts due
  • By April 24 – Notification of acceptances
  • May 15 – Registration deadline for presenters
  • May 19 – Deadline for early-bird registration
  • June 6 – Full papers due (entries for SNZ, NZEP, SH, DT, B, Stata, prizes)
  • June 28 – Conference begins

NZAE Conference 2022: Final call for papers

The New Zealand Association of Economists is announcing the Final Call for Papers for its 62nd Annual Conference.

Please submit an abstract of not more than 250 words of your paper for either an oral presentation or the poster session. Full papers are not required at this stage, but for a  paper to be considered eligible for the Statistics New Zealand, New Zealand Economic Policy, Seamus Hogan, David Teece or Stata prizes, a full paper must be submitted
by Wednesday 6th June.

Abstracts can be submitted here.

You are welcome to submit up to three papers. If we are only able to accept one of the submissions, we will contact you to ask which paper you prefer to present. This limit applies to the number of papers presented by any one person, and not to the number of papers on which he or she is a co-author.

Please see the for 2022 Final Call for Papers notice more information and key dates. 

Please address all conference enquiries to:

John Saunders
NZAE Conference Committee 

Shelley Haring
Conference Organiser

NZAE Conference 2022: First call for papers

The New Zealand Association of Economists is pleased to announce the First Call for Papers for its 62nd Annual Conference.

Please submit an abstract of not more than 250 words of your paper for either an oral presentation or the poster session. Full papers are not required at this stage, but for a  paper to be considered eligible for the Statistics New Zealand, New Zealand Economic Policy, Seamus Hogan, David Teece or Stata prizes, a full paper must be submitted
by Wednesday 6th June.

Abstracts can be submitted here.

You are welcome to submit up to three papers. If we are only able to accept one of the submissions, we will contact you to ask which paper you prefer to present. This limit applies to the number of papers presented by any one person, and not to the number of papers on which he or she is a co-author.

Please see the 2022 First Call for Papers notice for more information and key dates. 

Please address all conference enquiries to:

John Saunders
NZAE Conference Committee 

Shelley Haring
Conference Organiser

NZAE Conference 2022: Key dates

The 62nd New Zealand Association of Economists Annual Conference will be held at, and with the generous support of, Victoria University of Wellington on 29 June – 1 July 2022.

Key dates:

  • 21 February – First notice of conference sent out
  • 21 February – Portal for abstract submissions opens
  • 23 March – Final notice of conference sent out
  • 28 March – Conference registration opens
  • 4 April – Abstracts due
  • By 22 April – Notification of acceptances
  • 13 May – Registration deadline for presenters
  • 13 May – Deadline for early-bird registration
  • 6 June – Full papers due for entries to prizes
  • 29 June – Conference day 1
  • 30 June – Conference day 2
  • 1 July – Conference end

First call for papers for NZAE Conference 2021

This year’s 61st NZAE Annual conference is for ONE day ONLY and NOT the usual 3 day.

UPDATE: Since initial notice dates extended to 23-24 June.

The New Zealand Association of Economists is pleased to announce:

First Call for Papers
61st New Zealand Association of Economists Annual Conference
Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington Wednesday 23rd, June 2021

Abstracts can be submitted here.

Stata Prize for Excellence in Graphics Communication
The Stata Prize for Excellence in Graphics Communications will be awarded to the written paper that is deemed to make the best use of graphs for data visualization or communication of research findings using graphics. The papers will be judged by leading empirical researchers in economics.

Please see the Call for papers flyer and dedicated conference website for more information.

Please address all conference enquiries to:

Ian Duncan
NZAE Conference Committee

Shelley Haring
Conference Organiser

Secretary Manager
New Zealand Association of Economists (Inc.)

NZAE Conference 2021 on 23-24 June at Wellington

The annual NZAE Conference in 2021 will be Wednesday 23rd June at Victoria University of Wellington, Rutherford House, Pipitea Campus.

UPDATE: Since initial notice dates extended to 23-24 June.

Reflecting the continuing challenges of operating in a COVID19 environment, this year we offer a more compact one-day format.

We welcome two distinguished keynote speakers:

  • John Creedy (Victoria University of Wellington) has made important contributions to the study of public economics, labour economics and income distribution in New Zealand.
  • Marjan van den Belt (Terra Moana Ltd) is an ecological economist actively engaged in helping organisations and community’s transition towards a sustainability perspective using regenerative economics.

The diversity of their insights, together with those of our other conference contributors, will ensure that the conference appeals to a broad spread of interests. 

Key dates leading up to the Conference are:

  • Tuesday 23rd February. First notice of conference sent out
  • Tuesday 23rd February. Portal for abstract submissions opens
  • Tuesday 23rd March. Final notice of conference sent out
  • Friday 26th March. Conference registration opens
  • Friday 2nd April. Abstracts Due
  • By Thursday 22nd April. Notification of acceptances
  • Thursday 13th May. Registration deadline for presenters
  • Thursday 13th May. Deadline for early-bird registration
  • Monday 7th June. Full papers due for entries to prizes
  • Wednesday 23rd June. Conference start

More detail is available at the dedicated conference website

NZAE Conference 2020 cancelled

Dear economics community,

Due to the ongoing and worsening COVID-19 situation, the NZAE Council has moved to cancel the 2020 Conference.

This decision was not taken lightly and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Please contact our conference managers On Cue with any queries.

Be safe, be kind


Peter Tait

President of the New Zealand Association of Economists

First Call for Papers at NZAE Annual Conference Jun/Jul 2020 Wellington

First Call for Papers:
61st New Zealand Association of Economists Annual Conference
To be held at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington Tuesday 30 June to Thursday 2nd July 2020

NZAE PhD Student Workshop, 2020
To be held at Motu Economic & Public Policy Research office, Wellington Monday 29 June 2020

Stata Prize for Excellence in Graphics Communication
one of many prizes to be awarded at the Conference

Feel free to distribute the attached flyer to colleagues who may be interested in attending the Conference and or joining the Association. Further information can be found within the attached flyer and on the Conference website

Please email all conference enquiries to Ian Duncan or Jenna Collett at On-Cue or NZAE

Flyer: NZAE2020 first__call_for_papers

NZAE Conference 2020 early information

See dedicated conference website for more detail released nearer to the event.

Title: 61st NZAE Conference 2020
Location: Rutherford House, Victoria University of Wellington
Description: Annual 3-day NZAE Conference
Start Date: Tues June 30, 2020
Start Time: 08:00
End Date: Thur July 2, 2020
End Time: 13:30

2020 Conference important dates:

  • Thursday 20th February First notice of conference sent out
  • Thursday 20th February Portal for abstract submissions opens
  • Monday 23rd March Final notice of conference sent out
  • Thursday 26th March Conference registration opens
  • Thursday 2nd April Abstracts Due
  • By Wednesday 22nd April Notification of acceptances
  • Wednesday 13th May Registration deadline for presenters
  • Wednesday 13th May Deadline for early-bird registration
  • Wednesday 10th June Full papers due for entries to prizes
  • Tuesday 30th June Conference start
  • Thursday 2nd July Conference end

PhD Workshop: Tuesday, 29th June; venue TBD

2020 Conference keynotes:

Last Call for Papers at NZAE Annual Conference July 2019 Wellington

Last Call for Papers
60th New Zealand Association of Economists Annual Conference
To be held at Victoria University of Wellington
3, 4, 5 July 2019 (Wed, Thurs, Fri)

The New Zealand Association of Economists is pleased to announce the Last Call for Papers for its 60th Annual Conference. Abstracts can be submitted here by 1 April.

See attached for more information: nzae2019_ last _call_for_papers

First Call for Papers at NZAE Annual Conference July 2019 Wellington

First Call for Papers:
60th New Zealand Association of Economists Annual Conference
To be held at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington 3, 4, 5 July 2019 (Wed, Thurs, Fri)
Abstracts can be submitted here. (See attached for more information)

NZAE PhD Student Workshop, 2019

For whom: PhD students in Economics who are either New Zealand-based or are New Zealand students studying abroad. Preference will be given to PhD students in the first two years of their studies who register for the NZAE conference.
When: Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019
Where: Wellington TBC (See attached for more information)

Stata Prize for Excellence in Graphics Communication

The Stata Prize for Excellence in Graphics Communications will be awarded to the written paper that is deemed to make the best use of graphs for data visualization or communication of research findings using graphics. The papers will be judged by leading empirical researchers in economics. (See attached for more information and conditions of entry)

Please address conference enquiries to:

Ian Duncan or Shelley Haring (contact details in attached)
