Papers made available by presenters at the NZAE Conference held in Wellington 1-3 July 2015 can be found at this page
11th A R Bergstrom Prize in Econometrics to Michelle Lewis
Congratulations to Michelle Lewis, who was awarded the 2015 A. R. Bergstrom Prize in Econometrics for her paper “Forecasting with Macro-Finance Models: Applications to United States and New Zealand”. The Bergstrom Prize can be awarded every two years (although a three year gap ensued this time) and aims to reward the achievement of excellence in econometrics, as evidenced by a research paper in any area of econometrics.
Michelle Lewis’s Masters Thesis employs macro-finance models, which incorporate macroeconomic and timely financial market data, to forecast macroeconomic variables and the yield curve for New Zealand and the United States. The macro-finance models use the arbitrage-free Nelson-Siegel approach to represent yield curve data with just several components, and those components are combined with the macroeconomic variables of economic activity, inflation, and policy interest rates in a joint vector autoregression to produce forecasts.
The key contribution to the literature is that Michelle’s forecasting analysis is undertaken in a genuine real-time setting. That is, the model estimation and forecasts use the actual macroeconomic data that was available at each historical point in time, which realistically allows for an unavoidable uncertainty faced by practitioners. Conversely, the comparable literature to-date uses quasi-real-time macroeconomic data, which simply truncates the final available macroeconomic data series to estimate the model and produce forecasts over history. While showing promising forecasting benefits from macro-finance models, quasi-real-time analysis is unrealistic because it implicitly assumes that future revisions to historical macroeconomic data are already known at each historical point in time.
Fortunately, Michelle’s results show that, even in real time, there are still substantial forecasting benefits from using macro-finance models. The forecast improvements are most significant and robust for inflation and the policy rate, and economic activity for longer horizons. Furthermore, theoretically motivated restrictions on the yield curve dynamics improve the forecast performance of macroeconomic variables, and the yield curve itself.
However, for economic activity at short-term horizons, the forecasts from macro-finance models do not outperform forecasts from a standard vector autoregression of the macroeconomic variables. This result is at odds with the analogous quasi-real-time analysis, hence illustrating that quasi-real-time analysis can overstate the forecasting benefits of macro-finance models.
In their assessment, the adjudicators Professors Alfred Haug and Les Oxley noted: “The thesis is a substantial piece of empirical research that involved constructing new data and applying sophisticated econometric techniques that were skilfully mastered. Overall, it is an excellent piece of empirical econometrics. The author needs to be congratulated on her achievements.”
Arthur Robson awarded Distinguished Fellow of NZAE
Arthur Robson holds the Canada Research Chair in Economic Theory and Evolution at the University of Simon Fraser. He has made an extraordinary contribution to economic theory, particularly microeconomic theory in the context of change brought about by competitive evolutionary pressures. His scholarship has been prodigious and has shaped the direction of enquiry by economists and, to some degree, certain biological science.
Professor Arthur Robson gained a BSc(Hons) First Class in Pure and Applied Mathematics from Victoria University of Wellington in 1968; when he won the Robert Stout award for the best degree. In 1969 he entered the Pure Mathematics PhD programme at MIT, but after two years of course work switched to a PhD in economics that he completed at MIT in 1974. His thesis was on the contemporary topic “Congestion, Pollution and Urban Structure”. His research publications – of which there are more than 60 in the upper echelon of economics journals – reveal an early interest in inter-temporal strategies and consequent effects incorporating uncertainty. By the 1990s Arthur’s publications show his strong interest in evolutionary processes and from that time a large number of publications that apply the logic of mathematical economics to the evolution of economic systems and their primitives – such as preferences. They include the effect of selection among agents that face different sorts of uncertainty. As an aside, some recall the paper – “Status, the Distribution of Wealth, Private and Social Attitudes to Risk,” Econometrica 60 (1992), 837-857, presented at Victoria – that held the result that purchase of lottery tickets can be rational if the prize is big enough.
Arthur has brought a unique insight to evolutionary game theory. We discuss two of his contributions here, selected based on being both important and easy to explain. Perhaps it is because so many of us are economists, but we game theorists do seem to have an underlying belief that a decentralized optimizing process like evolution should lead to efficient outcomes much of the time. Be that as it may, most evolutionary models do not lead to efficiency. Arthur is responsible for two of the most important papers showing how evolution can lead to efficiency. One of these is “Efficiency in Evolutionary Games: Darwin, Nash and the Secret Hand-shake,” Journal of Theoretical Biology 144 (1990), 379-396. In this paper, Arthur allows for a mutation that does two things. It leads the recipient to show a visible ‘signal’ (the secret hand-shake) that this mutation has occurred. It also leads the recipient of the mutation to make a cooperative choice when interacting with another individual who also shows this signal. In this manner, the mutants are able to benefit from cooperation when facing each other, while still being able to make an optimal choice when faced with non-mutants. Mutants with ‘secret hand-shakes’ quickly take over a population when the interactions within that population are such that cooperative behavior does not leave an agent exposed to exploitation.
Arthur tackles the fundamental mystery of human intelligence in “The Evolution of Rationality and the Red Queen,” Journal of Economic Theory 111 (2003), 1-22. Our high intelligence is clearly useful in the complex societies in which we dwell. On the other hand, our high intelligence is necessary for the formation of our complex societies. It has been argued that our exceptionally high intelligence is unnecessary for dealing with the external environment that existed prior to the formation of our societies. Many who have made this argument suggest that our societies and intelligence evolved together. However, such arguments ignore the different time scales required for evolution and the development of a society. Arthur shows how competition between humans can lead to an arms race in which we need ever greater and greater intelligence in order to succeed against other humans. A nice feature of this approach is that as humans get smarter, the evolutionary pressure for intelligence increases. On the other hand, if intelligence occurred because of the external environment, then evolutionary pressure on intelligence would decrease the smarter humans became.
Arthur’s outstanding research achievements and scholarship are reflected in his post-PhD long-term and short-term appointments. He started his post-PhD academic career at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) in 1975, moving to Simon Fraser University in 2003. He overlapped with John McMillan – NZAE Distinguished Fellow 2005 – at UWO during a very academically lively period for that economics department. Arthur has had myriad short term academic engagements in prominent institutions in North America, Europe the UK, as well as the Middle East and Australia and New Zealand. He has received visiting Fellowships and is a Fellow of the Econometric Society among others. Arthur has been in international demand for his research per se, but also for his seminars and organisation of conference sessions and workshops on evolutionary economics.
Arthur has held continued interest in New Zealand and visited this country from time to time, including in his role of Adjunct Professor at Victoria University for 2005-2008. He has outstanding credentials for the award of Distinguished Fellow of the New Zealand Association of Economists.
Lewis Evans and Jack Robles
Call for papers Special issue on Advances in Competition Policy and Regulation
The Applied and Theoretical Economics (ATE) Research Network ( is calling for papers for a Special Issue on Advances in Competition Policy and Regulation. Our goal is to shed light on pressing issues in this field that are of concern to academic economists, consultants/practitioners and government policy makers. Please note that a specific New Zealand context is not a criterion for paper acceptance. Areas of interest for this issue include (but are not limited to) the following topics:
- Energy Economics
- Innovation Theory and Policy
- Mergers and Partnerships
- Competition in Vertical Chains
- Network Economics
- Empirical Industrial Economics
Deadline for submission: 1 March 2016.
Ranking: Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List - B ranking.
Submission: please use the online portal at Please indicate that your paper is meant for the Special Issue on the ‘Advances in Competition Policy and Regulation’ during the submission process. Selection of papers for the Special Issue will follow peer review.
Guest Editors:
Simona Fabrizi (email:
Steffen Lippert (email:
John Panzar (email:
Availability: New Zealand Economic Papers is a fully peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by leading international publishers Taylor & Francis (under the Routledge imprint) on behalf of the New Zealand Association of Economists. The journal is indexed in leading international databases including EconLit, ABI/Inform and EBSCO.
2015 conference timetable available
The 56th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Association of Economists will be held at the Westpac Stadium, Wellington on July 1-3.
The programme for the approaching conference is now available at
Registration can be completed through the conference website at
Any queries regarding the 2015 conference email Gail Pacheco or Mary Hedges both are co-chairing this year’s conference.
Call for papers Special issue for the 50th Anniversary of NZEP
New Zealand Economic Papers will publish its 50th volume in 2016. This special edition of New Zealand Economic Papers will focus on important topics covering the past 50 years of the New Zealand economy and the study of economics in New Zealand. Papers on New Zealand economic history, the history of economic thought in New Zealand and long-term developments in the New Zealand economy will be particularly welcomed.
Please note that papers not specifically relating to New Zealand will be considered for acceptance if they cover broader topics relevant to economic history and the history of economic thought that may indirectly affect New Zealand.
New Zealand Economic Papers is a fully peer-reviewed scholarly journal (rated ‘B’ in the ABDC list) published by leading international publishers Taylor & Francis (under the Routledge imprint) on behalf of the New Zealand Association of Economists. The journal is indexed in leading international databases including EconLit, ABI/Inform and EBSCO.
Selection of papers for the special issue will follow peer review. Submissions should be made online. Please indicate that your paper is meant for the special issue for the 50th anniversary of NZEP during the submission process.
Submission deadline: 31st December 2015
Submission: To submit to New Zealand Economic Papers, go to:
Editorial Team: The Editor-in-Chief is Associate Professor Gail Pacheco (Auckland University of Technology) and the Co-Editor is Professor Arthur Grimes (Motu Research and University of Auckland). Gail and Arthur are supported by several Associate Editors and an Editorial Board drawn from New Zealand and international institutions (list).
Early bird registration until 14 May 2015
The 56th Annual Conference of the New Zealand Association of Economists will be held at the Westpac Stadium, Wellington on July 1-3.
The programme for the approaching conference is now available at
Please take advantage of the early bird registration rate, which is offered until May 14th, accessed along with other conference details at
Any queries regarding the 2015 conference email Gail Pacheco or Mary Hedges both are co-chairing this year’s conference.
April 2015 AI (#52) includes perspective on budget surplus
Asymmetric Information Issue 52 April 2015
- Editorial
- An Interview with Kerrin Vautier (by Mary Hughes)
- The ‘Five Minute Interview’ (with Adam Jaffe)
- From the 2B RED File (by Grant Scobie)
- Advert for NZ-UK Link Foundation
‘Frames’ (by Stuart Birks)
Blogwatch (by Paul Walker)
Fine Lines (by Arthur Grimes)
The budget surplus (by Norman Gemmell)
The price of disaster risk (by Levente Timar, Arthur
Grimes and Richard Fabling, Motu)
Measuring wealth (by Ann Ball, StatsNZ)
Report from GEN
Report from Chair in Public Finance (VUW)
Research in Progress (Massey)
Employment opportunities welcomed
An invitation to all economists and organisations seeking economists to list here employment opportunities for economists in New Zealand.
2015 NZEP Issue 1 offers some insights into dairy farm profitability, among other things
The contents of New Zealand Economic Papers, Volume 49, Issue 1, 2015 (available online or by subscription):
- An analysis of benefit flows in New Zealand using a social accounting framework by Omar Aziz, Nick Carroll & John Creedy
- Recognising and building on freshman students’ prior knowledge of economics by Michael P. Cameron & Steven Lim
- Current trends in economics enrolments at secondary and tertiary level by Stephen Agnew
- Improving the profitability of Waikato dairy farms: Insights from a whole-farm optimisation model by Graeme J. Doole
- Demographic transition and the real exchange rate in Australia: An empirical investigation by Kamrul Hassan, Ruhul Salim & Harry Bloch
- Exchange-rate volatility and commodity trade between the USA and Indonesia by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Hanafiah Harvey & Scott W. Hegerty
Abstracts open for NZAE 2015 Conference 25 February
KEY DATES for NZAE 2015 Conference
ABSTRACTS OPEN: 25th February, 2015
REGISTRATIONS OPEN: 30th March, 2015
ABSTRACTS CLOSE: 01st April, 2015
CONFERENCE START: 01st July, 2015
CONFERENCE CLOSE: 03rd July, 2015
Further detail on conference can be found at conference website
2014 NZEP Issue 2 a Special Issue on USM-AUT International Conference on Sustainable Economic Development: Policies and Strategies
The contents of New Zealand Economic Papers, Volume 48, Issue 3, 2014 (available online or by subscription):
- USM-AUT International Conference on Sustainable Economic Development: Policies and Strategies An introduction to the special issue by Saten Kumar, Rahul Sen & Sougata Poddar
- Innovative capabilities among SMEs in Malaysian manufacturing: An analysis using firm-level data by Seyed Mehrshad Parvin Hosseini
- An analysis of the millennium development goal 1: The case of Bangladesh by Mohammad Abdul Hannan Pradhan, Jamalludin Sulaiman & Saidatulakmal Mohd
- Income convergence dynamics in ASEAN and SAARC blocs by Sakiru Adebola Solarin, Elsadig Musa Ahmed & Jauhari Dahalan
- Revisiting the institutions–growth nexus in developing countries: The new evidence by Stephen G. Hall & Mahyudin Ahmad
- Intellectual capital performance and its long-run behavior: The US banking industry case by Sampath Kehelwalatenna & Gamini Premaratne
- Citation for the award of Distinguished Fellow of the New Zealand Association of Economists
- Editor-in-Chief signing off by Mark Holmes
November 2014 AI (#51) includes contributions by Statistics New Zealand
Asymmetric Information Issue 51 Nov 2014
Issue No. 51 November 2014 contents:
- Editorial
- An Interview with Caroline Saunders (by Peter Tait)
- The ‘Five Minute Interview’ (with Gail Pacheco)
- From the 2B RED File (by Grant Scobie)
- ‘Frames’ (by Stuart Birks)
- Blogwatch (by Paul Walker)
- Fine Lines (by Leo Krippner)
- Greenhouse gas emissions from consumption in New Zealand (by Corey Allan, Motu)
- NZEP call for papers
- National Accounts and Balance of Payments Adopt New International Standards (by Jeff Cope, StatsNZ)
- Using ‘big data’ to measure prices changes in New Zealand (by Francis Krsinich, StatsNZ)
- Report from GEN
- Research in Progress (Canterbury)
David Giles awarded Distinguished Fellow
Of all fields in economics, New Zealand is probably most renowned for producing top level econometricians. One distinguished contributor in this field is David Giles. Born in the United Kingdom in 1949, David moved to New Zealand as a young child. He went on to complete all of his university education in New Zealand at the University of Canterbury. Like many top New Zealand economists of his generation, he initially undertook a B.Sc. (majoring in mathematics and statistics) before completing the “Knight’s Move” to complete an M.Com in economics in 1971. He joined the staff of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand in 1971, remaining there until 1977. During this period he had a secondment to the Task Force on Economic and Social Planning. He also took a two year break from the Bank over 1973-1975 to undertake his PhD at Canterbury. His thesis topic, supervised by Tony Rayner, was “Bayesian Applications in Econometrics”.
His initial publications included contributions to the Bank’s large-scale econometric modelling project. These were published in the Bank’s Research Paper series in 1972. His first journal publication1 appeared in New Zealand Economic Papers in 1974 and in the following year he published an aspect of his PhD studies relating to Bayesian econometrics in the Journal of Econometrics.2 A number of his early published papers dealt with issues of urban and regional economics, now considered of major importance in development and growth theory, and being especially important for New Zealand.
In 1977, Dr Giles joined Monash University as a Lecturer in Econometrics, and was appointed Professor in 1978 (aged 29). He returned to the University of Canterbury as Professor of Econometrics in 1986. From 1994 onwards, he has been Professor of Econometrics at University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
His rapid rise to Professor reflected his prodigious research output. To the start of 2014 he has written two books, edited four others, contributed 16 book chapters, and published 132 refereed journal articles (not counting review articles and a host of other publications). His publications have appeared in journals such as: Econometrica, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Review of Economics and Statistics, Economic Journal, International Economic Review, and Journal of Econometrics.
David is ranked in the top 5% of authors by REPEC on almost all their metrics, and there are currently approximately 3,000 citations to his publications. He has an h-index of 25 (meaning that 25 of his papers have been cited at least 25 times). His most cited works cover a range of his research interests covering econometric theory, applied econometrics, and statistics. His book with V.K. Srivastava on seemingly unrelated regressions3 has been cited over 300 times, and other heavily cited fields of work include his numerous influential papers on pre-test estimation, his modelling of the hidden economy across a number of countries (including New Zealand), and his recent work examining the maximum likelihood estimator of parameters across a range of distributions. He has also been well cited for his econometric analyses of the pop music industry and the demand for British rugby league!
In addition to his own research contributions, David has been active as a journal editor. He edited New Zealand Economic Papers (volumes 21-22) over 1987-1988, and has been North American Editor of Journal of International Trade and Economic Development since 1996. He has also served on numerous editorial boards including those of Econometric Theory and Journal of Econometrics. Importantly, David has been an active supervisor of post-graduate research. While at the University of Canterbury, he supervised research papers and theses by a number of students who are now prominent in New Zealand’s economic community.
His development of key fields of theoretical econometrics coupled with his applied econometric outputs, and his contributions to the development of other researchers through his journal editing and thesis supervision, underlies David Giles’ distinguished contributions to economics. Accordingly, the Association is delighted to honour him with this award of Distinguished Fellow.
1 Giles, D.E.A., 1974, “The Almon Estimator and Serially Correlated Disturbances”, New Zealand Economic Papers, 8, 138-150.
2 Giles, D.E.A., 1975, “Discriminating Between Autoregressive Forms: A Monte Carlo Comparison of Bayesian and Ad Hoc Methods”, Journal of Econometrics, 3, 229-248.
3 Srivastava, V.K. and D.E.A. Giles, 1987, Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations Models: Estimation and
Inference (Marcel Dekker, New York).
Dorian Owen elected NZAE Life Member
It is with great pleasure that the Association honours Dorian Owen with the award of Life Membership of the NZ Association of Economists.
Dorian gained a PhD at the University of Swansea in 1983. His first academic appointment was as a Lecturer at the University of Reading. Dorian moved to New Zealand in 1986, initially as a Senior Lecturer at Canterbury and from 1990 until the present as a Professor at Otago. Dorian’s initial research area was monetary economics. His research interests have become more wide-ranging over time, developing an interest in the empirical modelling of economic growth and development in the mid 1990s and, more recently, an interest in the economics of sport. Dorian is one of New Zealand’s most respected academic economists, having been published in several top journals. He has also served the profession in a number of ways (including, but not limited to, being a PBRF panelist, an external examiner of postgraduate theses for many New Zealand and overseas universities, and an organiser of the New Zealand Econometric Studies Group on three occasions). The award of Life Membership, however, is made not primarily for these achievements, but for the contribution he has made to the New Zealand Association of Economists over a long period of time.
Dorian was editor of NZEP from 1995-1997 (volumes 29 to 31). Dorian was a highly respected editor, having a reputation for being both fair and efficient. This was in the days before NZEP had a contract with a professional publisher. Hence, as well as overseeing the refereeing process and ensuring a steady flow of quality articles, the editor also had to make sure all articles were free of grammatical errors and were camera ready. Dorian performed all of these duties to a very high standard. More recently, Dorian was a member of the Search Committee for a new NZEP editor in 2006 and has been an Associate Editor and member of the Editorial Board of NZEP since 2007.
Dorian was a member of the NZAE Council from 1995 to 1999, serving as Vice President for a two-year period from 1997 to 1999. During his term on Council, he was also a member of the NZAE Education Trust.
Dorian’s support of NZAE goes beyond his work as a Council Member and NZEP Editor. For many years Dorian’s active participation in NZAE conferences has been a given. He has also encouraged his graduate students to attend NZAE conferences and to enter the various competitions available to graduate students. Dorian led by example in this regard, entering (and winning) the NZIER poster competition in 2010. Dorian has also been a judge for the Jan Whitwell Prize and the Statistics New Zealand Prize. One of Dorian’s graduate students, whose involvement with NZAE began when Dorian encouraged him to attend an NZAE conference in the 1990s, many years later went on to become NZAE President.
In making this award of Life Membership to Dorian Owen, the NZAE Council recognises the sterling support he has given the Association over a number of years, as a Council member, Vice President, Editor of NZEP and general supporter of the Association.
Gary Hawke elected NZAE Life Member
One of the most important roles that any member of the New Zealand Association of Economists can perform for the association is that of editor of New Zealand Economic Papers (NZEP), the association’s flagship journal. The association is delighted to honour Gary Hawke, a former NZEP editor, with the award of Life Membership of the New Zealand Association of Economists.
Gary became the fourth editor of NZEP in 1974 after a number of years of involvement with the association. He edited four volumes of the journal through to 1977. He maintained the high standard of the journal that had been set by his predecessor, Bert Brownlie. Many of New Zealand’s top academic economists, econometricians and policy-makers published articles in the Papers during this period. Many began their publications career with articles published in NZEP while Gary was editor. As well as editing the journal, Gary actively contributed a large number of book reviews. Gary also served during this period as a Council member of the New Zealand Association of Economists. His involvement with the Association has continued since then as an active participant in the Association’s annual conferences.
Gary has also served the community of economists in New Zealand through many other avenues. Contributions have included his academic roles at Victoria University of Wellington where he has served as Professor of Economics and Economic History, Director of the Institute of Policy Studies, and Head of the School of Government. Other roles have included Chairman of the New Zealand Planning Council, member of the Planning Council’s Economic Monitoring Group, Chair of the Experts Advisory Group on Tertiary Education Reforms and Chair of the New Zealand Committee of the Pacific Economic Co-operation Council.
Gary is only the second person to be honoured both as a Life Member and as a Distinguished Fellow of the Association (which he received in 2005). The Distinguished Fellow award recognised his impressive quality, quantity and range of publications in fields covering, inter alia, economic history and public policy.
It is, however, his service to the Association that is the subject of this award. In making the award of Life Membership to Gary Hawke, the NZAE Council recognises the sterling support he has given the Association over a number of years as an Editor of NZEP, Council member and long-term active supporter of the Association.
August 2014 AI (#50) includes research on growth of NZ towns
Asymmetric Information Issue 50 August 2014
Issue No. 50 August 2014 contents:
- Editorial
- An Interview with Bob Buckle (by Norman Gemmell)
- Citations for new Life Members
- NZAE Conference 2014
- From the 2B RED File (by Grant Scobie)
- ‘Frames’ (by Stuart Birks)
- Blogwatch (by Paul Walker)
- Fine Lines (by John Creedy)
- The Bergstrom Prize Call
- The Growth of New Zealand Towns (by Anna Robinson)
- Report from GEN
- Research in Progress (NZIER)
2014 NZEP Issue 2 a Special Issue on Population Ageing and Long-Run Fiscal Sustainability in New Zealand
The contents of New Zealand Economic Papers, Volume 48, Issue 2, 2014 (available online or by subscription):
- Population ageing and long-run fiscal sustainability in New Zealand by Robert A. Buckle & John Creedy
- The requirements for fiscal sustainability in New Zealand by Robert A. Buckle & Amy A. Cruickshank
- New Zealand’s demographics and population ageing by Geoff Bascand & Kim Dunstan
- Treasury’s 2013 long-term fiscal statement: Assumptions and projections by Matthew Bell & Paul Rodway
- Population ageing and productivity: A survey with implications for New Zealand by Ross Guest
- Population ageing and the growth of income and consumption tax revenue by Christopher Ball & John Creedy
- Can fiscal drag pay for the public spending effects of population ageing in New Zealand? by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell
- Social expenditure in New Zealand: Stochastic projections by John Creedy & Kathleen Makale
- Modelling retirement income in New Zealand by Christopher Ball
- The growth, equity, and risk implications of different retirement income policies by Andrew Coleman
- Tax policy with uncertain future costs: Some simple models by Christopher Ball & John Creedy
Dates set for 2015 NZAE Conference
The date and venue for the 56th Annual Conference will be
Wednesday 1 July – Friday 3 July, 2015
Westpac Stadium, Wellington.
A call for papers will go out early 2015.
Conference 2014 papers available
Papers made available by presenters at the NZAE Conference held in Auckland 2-4 July 2014 can be found at this site