A copy of the programme and papers from NZAE Conference 2013 are available at www.nzaeconference.co.nz
John Riley awarded Distinguished Fellow of NZAE
John Riley is an outstanding academic economist and his journey to this illustrious career started here in New Zealand. He grew up in Christchurch and spent his early life in the Canterbury, Otago and Lake Hawea areas with frequent trips to Wellington on the overnight ferry. Educationally he honed his mathematical skills at Christ’s College under the tutelage of Alan Ramsey. He then went on to the University of Canterbury’s Mathematics Department where he completed a B.Sc. (Hons). As an undergraduate he competed for Canterbury in both swimming and basketball. He was also leader of the notorious (and long since banned) haka party in Capping week.
Unsure what to do next he was persuaded by Bert Brownlie to switch to economics (a part of the famous Knights move) and earned an M. Com in economics in 1969 (class of 1968). While in the Economics Dept. at Canterbury the opportunities and challenges available in economics were reinforced by visitors such as Stiglitz, Debreu and Koopmans. From here John went on to complete his doctorate at MIT where his thesis advisors were Robert Solow and Peter Diamond .
In 1973 he joined the UCLA economics department. His most influential colleague at UCLA was his co-author Jack Hirshleifer (“Analytics of Uncertainty and Information” CUP 1992). This book is still widely used as an entry level text in this field and a second edition (co-authored by Sushil Bikhchandani) is due to be released later this year. John is best known for his research on markets with asymmetric information. He was heavily involved in the early development of the theories of signalling and of auctions. Had he followed advice from Mirrlees early in his work on signalling he would have never written his much cited Econometica paper “Informational Equilbrium”. However, it is a signal of the man, that he took this advice to stop working in this area as an inspiration to not only continue but to solve the problem – even if it took the rest of his life. Fortunately it didn’t take that long!
In 1978 John began working with Jack Hirshleifer on the “war of attrition” and published two papers in the Journal of Theoretical Sociobiology. This led him to start comparing revenue in auction and other “winner-take-all” environments. Eventually the number of mechanisms for which there was revenue equivalence led him to the conclusion that there must be some unifying principle explaining these results.
His most cited paper on auctions (with William Samuelson) includes the first proof of the celebrated “revenue equivalence theorem”. He also collaborated extensively with Eric Maskin on auction theory. John has recently completed a graduate textbook “Essential Microeconomics” (2012). He is currently Distinguished Professor of Economics and very recently completed a third term as Chair of the Economics Department at UCLA.
However these roles do little to capture the depth and diversity of John’s work. He has more than fifty peer reviewed articles including multiple articles in all of the top journals – AER, JPE, QJE, JEL, Ecnometrica, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Theory and Games and Economic Behaviour. In fact, according to REPEC John is among the top 5% of authors internationally according to virtually every criteria that they report on such as: Average Rank Score; Number of Distinct Works, Weighted by Simple Impact Factor; Number of Distinct Works, Weighted by Recursive Impact Factor … Number of Citations; Number of Citations, Weighted or Discounted by Citation Age, impact factor, number of authors and others. Remarkably his annual google scholar citations show no sign of decreasing. Indeed they reached a life-time high of 712 in 2012.
Although being a world leader in the area of auctions and mechanism design John has not lost sight of his kiwi roots. He has continued to come back to New Zealand annually and to stay in touch with his mentors at the University of Canterbury. He tells us his biggest return to NZ for his wonderful start is his daughter who has over 70 caps playing representative football for NZ. However, the Association believes his contribution is much more direct than this and in recognition of both the quantity and quality of his own ground breaking work we honour him with this award of Distinguished Fellow.
Alan Bollard elected NZAE Life Member
It is with great pleasure that the Association honours Alan Bollard with the award of Life Membership of the New Zealand Association of Economists.
Alan graduated with Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees in economics from the University of Auckland in the 1970s. After working in London, he returned to New Zealand to join the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research in 1984. He held the role of NZIER Director from 1987 to 1994, working to restore its financial position while continuing to ensure that the Institute conducted high quality economic research relevant to New Zealand.
Alan then took on three successive high profile public sector positions: Commerce Commission Chairman (1994-1998), Treasury Secretary (1998-2002) and Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor (2002-2012). Few, if any, New Zealanders have served in such a range of high profile public sector economic leadership roles.
In each of these roles, Alan was a champion for the application of economics in general, and for the activities of the New Zealand Association of Economists in particular. He served as an NZAE Council member for three years from 1995, including serving as NZAE President in 1997. He has also been an active supporter of Association events in many other ways. While at the Treasury and the Reserve Bank, he encouraged economists at those institutions to present papers and to attend the Association’s annual conferences, and ensured provision of financial support to assist the attendance of high quality keynote speakers for the conferences. Particularly noteworthy
was his role in Chairing the International Advisory Board for the the 2008 NZAE/ESAM Conference in honour of AW Phillips; his speech on the life of AW Phillips was a conference highlight for many.
While at the NZIER, Alan was instrumental in having one of Bill Phillips’ MONIAC machines repatriated to New Zealand and restored to working order. He has promoted economics education in a number of ways, including through the Young Enterprise Trust and through the establishment of the Reserve Bank museum, which currently hosts the MONIAC. These education initiatives continue to bear fruit within New Zealand now that Alan has moved offshore to take the position of Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat in Singapore.
Alan’s contributions to New Zealand public policy have been recognised through honorary doctorates from the University of Auckland and from Massey University, and through being named a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2013.
The Association honours Alan for his contribution to the Association and to New Zealand economic policy, economic research and the economics profession, and has pleasure in awarding him life membership of the Association.
April 2013 AI (#46) updates on University of Auckland research
The April 2013 issue of Asymmetric Information is now available online here.
Issue No. 46 April 2013 contents:
- Editorial
- An Interview with Sir Roderick Deane
- From the 2B RED File
- ‘Frames’
- Fine Lines
- Blogwatch
- (Motu) Exchange Rate Pass-Through
- NZIER Economics Award
- The Government Economics Network (GEN)
- The Five Minute Interview
- The AR Bergstrom Prize
- Research in Progress
- NZAE Information
March 2013 NZEP considers NZ’s international imbalances
The contents of New Zealand Economic Papers, Volume 47, Issue 1, March 2013 (available online or by subscription):
- New Zealand’s macroeconomic imbalances – causes and remedies: Guest editors’ introduction
- New Zealand’s international competitiveness challenges and the Woody Allen syndrome
- New Zealand’s risk premium
- Making fiscal policy more stabilising in the next upturn: Challenges and policy options
- Systemic risk measurement and macroprudential policy: Implications for New Zealand and beyond
- The A R Bergstrom Prize in Econometrics: 2012
2013 Conference – Call for Papers
First Call for Papers
54th New Zealand Association of Economists Annual Conference
To be held at the Amora Hotel, Wellington
3 July – 5 July 2013
The New Zealand Association of Economists is calling for papers for its 54th Annual Conference. A flyer with the call for papers is available here. The conference is being run in conjunction with a symposium put on by the Productivity Hub at Te Papa on Tuesday 2 July. Abstracts for either the NZAE conference or the NZPC workshop, can be submitted here.
Submitters need to submit a 1,000-word abstract of their papers for either an oral presentation or the poster session. Full papers are not required at this stage, but for a paper to be considered as quality assured or to be eligible for the Statistics New Zealand or New Zealand Economic Policy prizes, a full paper must be submitted by 13 June.
We encourage individuals to present their research in the poster session. Some research is particularly suited to the visual style of a poster presentation; the poster session can also be suitable for work in progress and speculative research. We particularly welcome student research in the poster session.
Submitters are welcome to submit up to three papers. If we receive more submissions than we have room for on the programme, we may restrict some presenters to a single oral presentation. In that event, we will contact presenters to ask which paper they would prefer to include. This limit would apply to the number of papers presented by any one person, and not to the number of papers on which he or she is a co-author.
Please note that presenters whose papers are accepted for an oral presentation or poster must register by 16 May in order to remain on the programme. After this date, the registration fee is non-refundable.
Important Dates:
Monday 1 April 2013 – Conference registration opens
Wednesday 3 April 2013 – Abstracts due
By Friday 26 April 2013 – Notification of Acceptances
Thursday 16 May 2013 – Registration deadline for presenters; Early-bird registration deadline
Thursday 13 June 2013 – Full papers due (entries for SNZ and NZEP prizes)
Please address conference enquiries to:
Dr Seamus Hogan NZAE Organising Committee |
Lea Boodée Conference Administrator |
Department of Economics and Finance University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800 Christchurch 8140 |
onCue Conferences + Events 63 Trafalgar Street PO Box 1193, Nelson |
+64 3 364 2524 seamus.hogan@canterbury.ac.nz |
+64 3 546 6330 Fax: +64 3 929 5512 lea@on-cue.co.nz |
December 2012 NZEP Special Issue focuses on Quality of Life Research in Economics
The contents of New Zealand Economic Papers, Volume 46, Issue 3, December 2012 (available online or by subscription):
- Quality of Life Research in Economics
- Valuing Australia’s protected areas: A life satisfaction approach
- A living standards approach to public policy making
- An empirical investigation into the determinants of life satisfaction in New Zealand
- Fractionalization and well-being: Evidence from a new South African data set
- Well-being of women in New Zealand: The changing landscape
- Microfinance in developed economies: A case study of the NILS programme in Australia and New Zealand
- Telecommunications investment and economic growth in ASEAN5: An assessment from UECM
- Citation for the award of Distinguished Fellow of the New Zealand Association of Economists: Stephen Turnovsky
- Citation for the award of Distinguished Fellow of the New Zealand Association of Economists: Leslie Young
- NZEP Editorial Board 2012
10th A R Bergstrom Prize in Econometrics to Isabelle Sin
Congratulations to Isabelle Sin, who was awarded the 2012 A. R. Bergstrom Prize in Econometrics for her paper “The Gravity of Ideas: How Distance Affects Translations”. The Bergstrom Prize can be awarded every two years and aims to reward the achievement of excellence in econometrics, as evidenced by a research paper in any area of econometrics.
The citation for the award writes that Izi’s paper, elements of which appeared in her PhD dissertation, is “an innovative study of how various measures of distance affect the international transmission of ideas, as one potentially important component underlying growth and development processes.” More information about the prize is available from the New Zealand Association of Economists.
December 2012 AI (#45) features interview with Alan Bollard
The December 2012 issue of Asymmetric Information is now available online here.
Issue No. 45 December 2012 contents:
- Editorial
- Obituary of Conrad Blyth
- An Interview with Alan Bollard (read the full interview here)
- From the 2B RED File
- ‘Frames’
- Fine Lines
- Blogwatch
- Motu: National Wellbeing and Sustainability Measures
- NZIER Economics Award
- The Government Economics Network (GEN)
- The Five Minute Interview
- Research in Progress
- NZAE Information
August 2012 NZEP includes paper on wealth and savings in NZ
The contents of New Zealand Economic Papers, Volume 46, Issue 2, August 2012 (available online or by subscription):
- Wealth and saving in New Zealand: evidence from the longitudinal survey of family, income and employment by Trinh Le, John Gibson & Steven Stillman
- Is there an unobserved components common cycle for Australasia? Implications for a common currency by Viv B. Hall & C. John McDermott
- Does tenure review in New Zealand’s South Island give rise to rents? by Ann Brower, Philip Meguire & Alba DeParte
- The elasticity of taxable income in New Zealand: Evidence from the 1986 tax reform by Alastair Thomas
- Loss aversion and mental accounting: the favorite-longshot bias in parimutuel betting by Jianying Qiu
- The Darwin economy by Ananish Chaudhuri
Professor Conrad Blyth passes away
Professor Conrad Blyth, a distinguished New Zealand economist, sadly passed away in early August. Professor Blyth was nominated a distinguished fellow of the New Zealand Association of Economists in 2004, for his outstanding contribution to the economic profession in New Zealand. More information on his contribution to NZAE and the economics profession is available on our Distinguished Fellows page.
His obituary will be in issue 45 of Asymmetric Information, out in December 2012.
August 2012 AI (#44) includes conference photos
The August 2012 Issue of Asymmetric Information is now available online here.
Issue No. 44. August 2012 contents:
- Editorial
- An interview with Dennis Rose (read the full interview here)
- Award of Life Membership
- From the 2B RED File
- Conference Photo’s
- ‘Frames’
- Motu: “Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart”
- Fine Lines
- Blogwatch
- The Government Economic Network (GEN)
- The Five Minute Interview
- Research in Progress
- New Input Output Tables
- NZAE Information
Dates set for 2013 Conference
The 54th Annual Conference will be held at the Amora Hotel in Wellington on 3-5th July 2013. Details and a call for papers to come later.
Stephen Turnovsky awarded Distinguished Fellow of NZAE
Stephen Turnovsky is an outstanding academic economist. His academic career spans over 40 years, with a distinguished publication record which has kept him in the very top echelon of the profession’s academic journal publishers over a particularly long time period.
Early foundations for Stephen’s academic career were laid with a BA in Mathematics and Economics and an MA with 1st class honours in Mathematics from Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). These degrees were conferred in 1962 and 1963 respectively, and during that period he also held positions of part-time research assistant at NZIER and the Applied Mathematics Laboratory of DSIR, and as a Junior Lecturer in Mathematics at VUW. As a signal towards the now over 236 journal publications to come, he quickly had a joint publication in 1964 in the NZ Journal of Geology and Geophysics on the statistics of New Zealand earthquakes, and an econometric case-study of Disequilibrium in the NZ Automobile Market in the June 1966 issue of the Economic Record. The latter study was completed early in Stephen’s time at Harvard University.
Stephen’s PhD from Harvard was conferred in 1968, and led to positions at the Universities of Pennsylvania and Toronto. He was Professor of Economics at the ANU from 1972 to 1982, including as Chairman of the Department of Economics for 3 ½ years, and was then IBE Distinguished Professor of Economics at the University of Illinois from 1982 to 1988. He has been Castor Professor of Economics at The University of Washington in Seattle since 1993, following his appointment in 1988 as Professor of Economics at that University. Since 2010, he has also been Adjunct Professor of Economics at VUW.
Stephen’s publications through to the early 1970s included three important contributions to the then emerging empirical evidence on price and wage expectations, published in the Journal of the American Statistical Association, Economica, and the Review of Economics and Statistics. However, the distinctive features of Stephen’s on-going research became the use of mathematical tools and economic concepts to model problems in the areas of economic growth and dynamics, including applications to optimal macroeconomic policies. Moreover, as befits his having lived and worked for lengthy periods in Australasia and Canada, a great deal of his modelling has been of (small) open economies. The diverseness of Stephen’s publications is reflected not only in the range of core macroeconomic areas addressed and quantitative tools utilised, but also through the number of coauthors with whom he has published – for example, from his September 2011 CVi, I counted an extraordinary number of 77 different journal co-authors and 8 book-related co-authors, for the period since 1969.
Of his 13 books solely or jointly authored or co-edited, there are academics throughout the world who can attest to finding his 1977 Macroeconomic Analysis and Stabilisation Policy, and his 1995 and 2000 editions of Methods of Macroeconomic Dynamics particularly valuable for their graduate macro courses. I’m not going to single out particular articles or journals from Stephen’s CV – suffice to say that by the late 1970s, he had cracked every top-ranked economics journal at least once, with many acceptances since then in these and the best of more recently established journals.
However, recognition for outstanding achievement does not always follow from publications alone, and in this respect it is important to detail the considerable wider recognition of Stephen’s professional achievements.
His Professional Honours include Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia (elected 1976), Fellow of the Econometric Society (1981), President of the Society of Economic Dynamics and Control (1982-84), and President of the Society of Computational Economics (2004-06).
He has held visiting positions of distinction over many years, including at the University of California-Berkeley, Nuffield College (Oxford), Academia Sinica (Taipei), IAS Wuhan University, IAS Vienna, CESifo (University of Munich); and has been awarded Doctorat, Honorary Causa by the University of Aix-Marseille II (2005) and an Hon DLitt by Victoria University of Wellington (2009).
The unusual breadth and depth of Stephen’s Editorial Board activities, and hence his indirect influence on and contributions to developments in the macro-theoretic economics literature, can be illustrated by his having been variously Associate Editor, Editor and Advisory Editor of the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control continuously since 1978, Joint Editor of the Economic Record for the period 1973-77, and Associate Editor of the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (1977-2010), the Journal of Public Economics (1982-87), the Journal of Public Economic Theory (from 2000), Macroeconomic Dynamics (from 2001), and the Journal of Human Capital (from 2006). He has been on the Editorial Advisory Board of New Zealand Economic Papers since 2007.
Finally, against the background of Stephen’s outstanding global academic achievements, let me record his most recent contributions to the economics profession in New Zealand: invited keynote speaker to the NZAE/ESAM08 50th Anniversary Symposium, honouring the tradition of A W H (Bill) Phillips; invited keynote speaker to the 1st and 2nd NZ Macroeconomic Dynamics Workshops (April 2011, April 2012), and to the Southern Workshop in Macro (SWIM, April 2012). Recently, he also endowed the Stephen Turnovsky Visiting Fellowships, to be held in the School of Economics and
Finance at VUW.
It gives me great pleasure to provide this citation for sustained and outstanding contributions to the development of economics, to Castor Professor Stephen Turnovsky, Distinguished Fellow of the New Zealand Association of Economists.
Viv Hall
Frank Scrimgeour elected NZAE Life Member
It is with great pleasure the Association honours Frank Scrimgeour with the award of Life Membership of the New Zealand Association of Economists.
From his farming origins in Golden Bay, Frank commenced his academic career at Lincoln University where he gained First Class Honours and was awarded the Sir Malcolm Burns Prize for outstanding student contributions to Lincoln College. This dedication to wider communities was to become a hallmark of Frank’s subsequent career. He went on to complete a PhD at the University of Hawaii. Many may not know he also holds a Bachelor of Divinity from the Melbourne College of Divinity.
His professional career began at the Meat and Wool Boards’ Economic Service, but this was soon followed by over five years in development work with the Christian Leaders’ Training College in Mt Hagen, Papua New Guinea.
Frank has spent more than two decades at the University of Waikato, first as an active member of the Economics Department, then Chair of several departments and finally as current Dean of the Waikato Management School. In addition to a heavy administrative load, he has maintained his highly productive career as an economist publishing widely in international journals and generating an extensive number of research papers, conference proceedings and consulting reports.
In making this award we wish to honour Frank for his service to the profession, the academic community, the wider New Zealand community and the Association, in particular. His contribution to all of these groups has been outstanding.
Notably Frank has
- Provided numerous acts of high quality service to the Association. He has frequently refereed journal articles of New Zealand Economic Papers, and he has undertaken many functions on behalf of the Association.
- Played a major role in the leadership of the Association serving as a Councillor (1998-2005), Editor (1998-2001), Vice President (2005-2007) and President (2007-2009). In addition he served as President of the New Zealand Agricultural Economics Society (1993-94 and 2004-05) and as a Councillor of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (1992 and 2003-05).
- Chaired the largest economics gathering ever held in New Zealand – the 2008 NZAE/ESAM Conference in honour of AW Phillips.
- Contributed to the broader community through his church, and as a member of the Trust Board of World Vision.
In all these endeavours he has shown genuine human understanding, concern for the
wellbeing of others, always tempered with a quiet sense of humility.
The Association honours Frank for his broad economic citizenship and has pleasure in
awarding him Life Membership of the Association.
Leslie Young awarded Distinguished Fellow of NZAE
Leslie Young is Wei Lun Professor of Finance and Executive Director of the Asia-Pacific Institute of Business at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is an outstanding economist by any yardstick. Leslie’s interests span finance, international trade political economy and, the interaction among culture, political economy and economic performance. His standing is indicated by his holding the prestigious V.F Neuhaus Professorship in Finance and the University of Texas at Austin (UTA) where he was also Professor of Economics between 1985 and 1992, in which year he took up the position of Professor of Finance and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In this position he has been the Executive Director of the Asia Pacific Institute of Business since 1993 in which capacity he has enlarged the extent and standing of its programs across a range of countries. Leslie has held Visiting Professorships at universities that include University of California at Berkeley and MIT. He is the longest serving member of the Editorial Board of the American Economic Review having completed four consectutive terms.
From the outset, Leslie’s outstanding facility with mathematics never got in the way of insightful analysis of economic issues expressed in a lively interesting manner. He has a stable of papers on the implications of uncertainty for aspects of international trade and finance: they appear in such journals as the Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of International Trade and Review of Economic Studies. Further work in trade and uncertainty produced papers evaluating the welfare effects of trade restrictions of various sorts. In the 1980s and early 1990s Leslie produced papers on the political economy of trade policy, particularly with Stephen Magee, a colleague at UTA, and William Brock. The most well-known work was their highly commended book Black hole Tariffs and Endogenous Redistribution Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1990, which set out an “interest group” general equilibrium with respect to the determination of trade policy. Leslie’s interest in the interaction between economic and legal processes are reflected in two papers with James Andersen1 where they examine the optimal enforcement of contracts when contracts must be incomplete and enforcement differs. His interest in governance is illustrated by papers concerning the separation of ownership and control in listed corporations in different cultures.2 The interaction among law, culture and economic behaviour is suggested to be critically important by Leslie’s foregoing works and it has has been an ongoing interest of his. Leslie argues that differences across countries in these characteristics are reflected in different langauge and other institutional rules that affect economic and financial performance, including crises. His comparison of the economies of India and China3, and Asia and Western4 economies illustrate his position.
Leslie was born in Guangzbou and came to New Zealand at the age of two. His family were market gardeners in Levin, where he attended Horowhenua College. He came to Victoria University at 16 as a Junior Scholar. In his first two years, he completed his B.Sc. but this progress was too rapid for him to graduate under University statutes. In his third year, he completed a Bsc. with First Class Honours in mathematics, plus a paper in Mathematical Logic with the Philosophy Department. He was awarded a Senior Scholarship, an Alexander Crawfod Scholarship, a NZ Sugar Company Scholarship, and a Postgraduate Scholarship and Commonwealth Scholarship. While waiting to go to Oxford, he completed an M.Sc. with distinction in mathematics by August 1969. He later learnt from his Supervisor, Wilf Malcolm (by then VC of Waikato) that a seminar that he had given from his thesis was the origin of the Algebra/Logic seminar that the Victoria University of Wellington Mathematics Department ran in the 70’s and 80s. Shortly after his arrival in Oxford, Dr. Malcolm wrote to say that the external examiner (Dr. R. A. Bull of Canterbury) had recommended his M. Sc. thesis for a Ph.D. However, during the first year at Oxford Leslie completed a different doctoral thesis (just before his 21st birthday) that was subsequently awarded a Senior Mathematics Prize by Oxford University. While waiting to complete his residence requirements for his D.Phil, he was introduced to Professor James Mirrlees (Nobel Laureate in Economics, 1996), who, along with Nicholas Stern (at that time holding an academic postion at Oxford) induced Leslie to write essays. After a year of this activity, he escaped by taking up a Junior Research Fellowship in Economics at Lincoln College, Oxford, thence to the University of Canterbury’s economics department in 1975. His next appointment was at UTA.
Leslie modestly attributes a good deal of his success to the tolerant, friendly, interested people-environment in which he was brought up in New Zealand. His stimulating, engaging presentations have been a high-impact feature of Leslie’s visits to Wellington over the past 15 years.
Papers referred to
1. Andersen, James E. and Leslie Young, Trade Implies Law: The Power of the Weak, NBER Working Paper 7702, 2000, pp.30; and Andersen, James E. and Leslie Young, “Trade and Contract Enforcement”, Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy (2006), Vol 5 (1), Article 30.
2. Faccio, M., Lang L. H. P. and Young, L., ‘Dividends and expropriation’, American Economic Review, Vol. 91, 2001, pp. 1–25; and Gadhoum, Yoser, Larry H.P. Lang and Leslie Young, “Who Controls US?”, European Financial Management, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2005, 339-363.
3. Young, Leslie, Economic Development in China and East Asia: Lessons for India, address, (https://www.slideserve.com/Albert_Lan/economic-development-in-china-east-asia-lessons-for-india-leslie-young-professor-of-finance-executive-director-asia) accessed May 30 2012.
4. Young, Leslie, ‘Comment on: “Why Are Saving Rates So High in China?”‘ chapter in NBER book, Capitalising China, Joseph Fan and Randall Morck eds., Chicago University Press, 2009.
2012 Conference Papers Available
The 53rd Annual Conference was successfully held at the Palmerston North Convention Centre on 27th to 29th June 2012. Details, including copies of papers, can be found at Conference 2012.
March 2012 NZEP includes critiques of Wolak paper on NZ electricity market
The contents of New Zealand Economic Papers, Volume 46, Issue 1, March 2012 (available online or by subscription):
- A critique of Wolak’s evaluation of the NZ electricity market: Introduction and overview
- A critique of Wolak’s evaluation of the NZ electricity market: The incentive to exercise market power with elastic demand and transmission loss
- An examination of Frank Wolak’s model of market power and its application to the New Zealand electricity market
- Simulating market power in the New Zealand electricity market
- A critique of Wolak’s evaluation of the NZ electricity market: Afterword
- A critique of Wolak’s evaluation of the NZ electricity market afterword: A rejoinder
- Prescriptivism to positivism? The development of the CPI in New Zealand
- Why the shadow of the law is important for economists
- The A.R. Bergstrom Prize in Econometrics, 2012
2012 Conference – Final Call for Papers
Final Call for Papers
53rd New Zealand Association of Economists Annual Conference
To be held at the Palmerston North Convention Centre
27 June – 29 June 2012
Extended period for submission: Abstracts are now due by Wednesday, 4 April
Sir Frank Holmes passes away
Sir Frank Holmes, a distinguished New Zealand economist and one of the founders of the New Zealand Association of Economists and the first editor of New Zealand Economic Papers, passed away on 23 October 2011. Sir Frank is the only person to be elected as both a Life Member and Distinguished Fellow of NZAE. More information on Sir Frank’s contribution to NZAE and the economics profession is available on our Life Members and Distinguished Fellows pages.
His obituary can be found in issue 42 of Asymmetric Information.